EpiDiP Server

This is the web portal for epigenomic diagnostics within the Dept. of Neuropathology, Institute for Medical Genetics and Pathology, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. EpiDiP stands for Epigenomic Digital Pathology and deals with the visualization and cross-comparison of (microarray-based) methylome datasets. From here, you can launch our web applications. Usage is free of charge but comes without warranty.

Web Applications

Methylome and CNV viewer hosted locally (mirror 1, no SSL)
Methylome and CNV viewer hosted on shinyapps.io (mirror 2, with SSL)
Methylome and CNV viewer, experimental GPU version, fast computation, updates in less than 1 hour, hosted locally (mirror 1, no SSL)
Current UMAP plot as coordinates (XLSX download)
IDAT uploader (450K and EPIC v1 only, v2 implementation ongoing; UMAP methylome plot refreshes approx. every 3 to 4 hours irrespective of uploads, GPU version in less than 1 hour, but still experimental.)


EpiDiP User Manual
Methylation Class Descriptions (Annotation)
Methylomanalyse - Information für Einsender (in German, includes contact information)
Fortschritt in der molekularen Tumordiagnostik - Die DNA-Methylomanalyse (SMF review article, in German)
Key to soft tissue tumor reference annoation (from GSE140686): 1ZisC74J7LHouoYND3B8vdAeB8aMbCmiZBawypAyHd-I
last update: 2023-06-13, University Hospital Basel